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Nov 9, 2012

5 Need to Know Tips for Maryland Business Law Contracts

Nov 9, 2012 - Business by |

Maryland business law contracts may pertain to just about any issue with the operation of a business, from its formation to its sale, from employee agreements and contracts, to various leases or licenses, corporate transactions, negotiations and more.

Regardless of the specific type of Maryland contract law you may be dealing with right now, it’s always important to gain as much helpful information as you can. Use the following 5 need to know tips from a business litigation law firm to protect yourself, your business and your finances.


  1. Attorneys Before, Not After: What’s one of the major mistakes that a business litigation law firm deals with? Getting brought into the scene after something has already been signed which they never had a chance to create, review or negotiate. This blunder ends up costing you a great deal of time, aggravation and money. Hire a business contract attorney at the start of the game, not after you’re unhappy with how it’s playing out.
  2. Protecting Your Own Rights: The priority with your Maryland business law contracts should always be protecting your own rights. That means you don’t let something slide which can come back to haunt you later, or give somebody the benefit of the doubt because you don’t think he or she would ever betray you or do something against you. Protecting your rights is always the key with Maryland contract law.
  3. The Big Picture: It’s easy for business owners or managers to get stuck in the here and now. However, any business contract attorney can tell you that it’s the big picture that matters most. In other words, if you can’t see the forest for the trees, you may be in trouble, and you should never sacrifice your situation in five or 10 years for right now.
  4. Understanding Breach of Contract: What really constitutes breach of contract? Being unhappy with a result isn’t enough. You need a seasoned business contract attorney to be able to help you determine when breach of contract occurs, and what type of action to take in the aftermath.
  5. Litigation vs. Dispute Resolution: Any business litigation law firm will tell you that litigation isn’t the only option. Dispute resolution and mediation are other courses which may provide amicable solutions with less strain, money or time commitment. Of course, knowing when to go to court and when to negotiate or have a conflict resolution session can sometimes be difficult to maneuver, which is why gaining legal assistance is so essential.

Don’t let your business law contracts come back and be your undoing. Always protect yourself as fully as possible with Maryland contract law, and always hire an experienced business contract attorney to protect your interests.

Call the Law Offices of Brandon Bernstein at 240.395.1418 and we’ll provide you with a free consultation on how we can help as your Maryland business litigation law firm today.


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