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Jan 14, 2017

Will Upcoming ACA & Healthcare Changes Impact Divorced Couples with Children?

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Some of the most heated debates and discussions that have surfaced in the final weeks of President Obama’s presidency, and the beginning of President Trump’s, have centered around healthcare, and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, commonly known as Obamacare). As it relates to the world of family law and divorce, one area of interest then is how this could impact healthcare for children of divorcing or divorced couples, if at all.

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Oct 31, 2016

Artificial Intelligence Capable of Nearly 80% Accuracy Predicting Outcomes of Legal Cases

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We’re always looking to stay atop of the latest news in all realms of the law and legal proceedings, which brought our attention recently to new technological developments. Technology as it pertains to artificial intelligence has come a long way in recent years. Self driving cars are right around the corner.  IBM’s Watson is able to help doctors diagnose diseases. And now, researchers in London have tested the ability of Artificial Intelligence to determine the outcome of legal complex proceedings. 

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thumbnail for Hillary vs. Trump: Will the Presidential Election have an Impact on Family Law?

Oct 31, 2016

Hillary vs. Trump: Will the Presidential Election have an Impact on Family Law?

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Presidential Election 2016 Trump vs. Clinton & Its Family Law Impact: As November 8th approaches, it seems like most Americans are eager for the Presidential election and its chaotic race and news cycle to be finished. We certainly don’t plan to interject political leanings or opinions into this discussion, but rather, we do think it’s important to quickly analyze whether or not the election and its result will have an impact on family law issues.

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thumbnail for Would People Vote for a Divorced President?

Sep 21, 2016

Would People Vote for a Divorced President?

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Changing Attitudes About Divorce Could Affect Politics: Cultural norms pertaining to marriage and divorce have certainly shifted in the United States over the last several decades. But would the United States elect a President who has been divorced? The public has historically expected the leader of the free world to be beyond reproach, although that is seldom if ever the case.

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